Harvesting 2023 Tax Advantages As A Futures Trader

Harvesting 2023 Tax Advantages As A Futures Trader

Harvesting tax losses through trading futures and leveraging the 60/40 rule presents a nuanced strategy for investors aiming to optimize their tax positions in 2023. The process involves strategica...

Technology and Trading: Why Arch Public Is Creating A Retail Renaissance In Trading

Technology and Trading: Why Arch Public Is Creating A Retail Renaissance In Trading

Technology continues to rapidly reshape the landscape of trading, through the evolution of algorithmic trading. Just as algorithms have mastered chess, they have also demonstrated their prowess in...

TradingMarket Orders Are The Lifeblood Of Trading Automation; Speed and Scale

Market Orders Are The Lifeblood Of Trading Automation; Speed and Scale

Day trading automation has revolutionized the way traders participate in financial markets. With the advent of advanced trading algorithms and technological advancements, market participants can no...

TradingUnderstanding Market Versus Limit Orders During Intraday Trading

Understanding Market Versus Limit Orders During Intraday Trading

Day trading is a fast-paced and highly competitive financial activity that involves buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day. Traders employ various strategies to profit...

TradingRevisiting Slippage When Trading Volatile Markets

Revisiting Slippage When Trading Volatile Markets

Navigating the world of trading can often feel like a visit to a bustling farmer's market. Picture this: you stroll up to a vendor's stall with the intention of purchasing some delicious oranges. T...

Set UpVideo Library to Set Up Your Strategy
20 Tools That Every Active Trader Should Consider Having In Their Toolkit

20 Tools That Every Active Trader Should Consider Having In Their Toolkit

In today's fast-paced financial markets, day trading requires a comprehensive toolkit that combines technology, analysis, and risk management. Day traders must navigate volatile price movements, ma...

The Gambler’s Fallacy: What Is It, And How To Overcome It As An Active Trader

The Gambler’s Fallacy: What Is It, And How To Overcome It As An Active Trader

Trading is a high-stakes endeavor, where traders make rapid decisions based on the expectation of future market movements. However, this fast-paced environment is not immune to cognitive biases and...

Understanding Slippage in Day Trading and Financial Markets: Navigating the Impact

Understanding Slippage in Day Trading and Financial Markets: Navigating the Impact

Day trading and financial markets are characterized by rapid price movements and the need for swift order execution. Traders often expect their orders to be filled at a specific price, but sometime...

Day Trading Strategies for Low Volume Periods: Navigating Challenging Markets

Day Trading Strategies for Low Volume Periods: Navigating Challenging Markets

Day trading during low volume periods can be a daunting task for even the most experienced traders. Reduced liquidity often leads to increased volatility and wider spreads, making it challenging to...